Saturday, November 30, 2019

Reflective essay on confidentiality free essay sample

The subject I intend to reflect upon is confidentiality within a professional healthcare setting. Confidentiality formed a part of our professional issues lectures and it piqued my interest due to how differently it is interpreted within healthcare as opposed to education, which is my background. In an educational setting I was taught repeatedly that I could never ensure confidentiality between myself and a child. Comparing that to what I have now learnt in healthcare, this seemed to me almost the opposite way of working as I was used to and so I wish to reflect upon this. I intend to look at why confidentiality is so important within healthcare and how it relates to the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) Code. I will look at the strategies in place to protect the privacy of healthcare users, including the areas where confidentiality is even more important. I will also be looking at the various occasions that arise in which a confidentiality can be breached and who should be informed in these cases and finally I hope to look at a case study where confidentiality was breached and use that information to help guide me to make better choices in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective essay on confidentiality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jasper (2011) tells us that reflection is the ability to see ourselves both physically and metaphorically. She also states that reflection can be looking again at something or in a different way. Somerville and Keeling tell us that reflection is the study of our thoughts, actions and focusing on our interaction and environments with the intention of fully seeing ourselves (Nursing Times, 2004). Bulman Schutz (2008) talk of reflection as being a tool to review experience, so that it may be â€Å"described, analysed [and] evaluated† then used to influence future practice. Sully Dallas (2010) state that reflection is essential in the nurse’s development into sound and responsive professionals and they cite Benner (2001) who stated that nursing cannot expand or fully develop without the practice of reflection. According to Johns and Freshwater (2005), reflection is a skill that is used on a regular basis and in all sorts of situations, such as important events in our lives. There are various reflective cycles available to help with the reflective practice and Johns’ cycle discusses the relationship between practitioners and supervisors and makes reflection a joint exercise, looking at the actions and consequences, the feelings behind it, the personal ethics involved and the knowledge gained (Johns, 1995). Alternatively, Gibbs’ cycle takes a slightly different approach and is cyclic in nature, it takes a similar reflective outline but moves on to conclusions and then action plans to guide future practice (Oxford Brookes University, 2011). There are other cycles available including Driscoll’s â€Å"What? So What? Now What? † reflective model which can help in more general reflective situations (University of Nottingham, 2012). However, I will write this essay using a reflective style instead of referring to reflective cycles. I intend to use this exercise to inform and prepare me for my future career and to explore a subject that has had some bearing on my life and will be increasingly more important as I continue down this career path. Confidentiality is an important aspect of healthcare including the entire spectrum of healthcare workers and settings. It is enshrined in the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Geneva (WMA, 2012) and the Hippocratic Oath (National Library of Medicine, 2012) as being a central part to our role as healthcare professionals since before healthcare became so structured. The reasons for keeping a confidence in the healthcare setting are summarised by Lockwood in that the information belongs to the patient who is giving it to the doctor and therefore the doctor has a responsibility to not misuse such information (2005). Lockwood also talks of the trust between a doctor and patient which would certainly break down should confidentiality be breached. Thompson, Melia Boyd (2000) tell me that the information a patient gives about themselves not only gives the healthcare professional power to help them but also gives them power over them. In this case, it is vital that healthcare professionals use information that is given to them wisely and with the utmost care. Seeing information about a healthcare user in such terms makes me realise that some information is not necessarily in the public domain and therefore I have a privilege and responsibility to not only care for the patient but also for the knowledge about them that I am privy to. I realise that, although I have a duty to retain confidentiality, I may be placed in a position where the confidence has to also include other healthcare professionals and I need to involve the patient in such a situation (ibid). It is also just as important to keep a confidentiality because of data protection legislation which enforces the rights of the individual to have their personal information prot ected (Legislation. gov. uk, 1998). So legally, healthcare professionals have a duty to protect the healthcare user’s personal information, at least to the  legal minimum, or face proceedings. On top of this though, there is a further responsibility placed on the healthcare professional to respect the right of the user to their private life and beliefs. This is outlined by the NMC’s Code (2012) which reiterates the Data Protection Act, 1998 and further clarifies the lengths that healthcare professionals should go to ensure the healthcare user’s confidentiality and privacy is protected. In my previous experience in education, guidelines to teacher-pupil relations involved not just teachers but all professionals in contact with pupils. From this I would understand that when an article states doctor-patient relations it would include all healthcare professionals’ not just doctors. I agree with Cornock in that a patient gives information to healthcare professionals in the hope that it can be used to assist in treatment (2009). If this confidentiality is breached, the patient may not feel comfortable to reveal all information for fear of it becoming more generally known. I personally believe that this can lead to less effective healthcare treatment and even a fear of receiving any treatment at all in cases of injury or disease that may be more of a societal taboo. The NMC Code (2008) states that healthcare professionals must â€Å"respect the patient’s right to confidentiality† and to discuss with the patient when any of their personal information will be passed to another member of the team; this is a much more formal and professional approach to dealing with information than I have experienced in the past and the onus is on me to ensure that I make the healthcare user fully aware of the ways in which their information will be utilised. This involves an aspect of communication in gaining a user’s trust and giving them the environment in which they feel they can be listened to and that their opinion will be valued. By doing this I am building a trust and confidence relationship with the patient. Once I have gained the trust of the patient and now have this information which can be used to better their quality of life, I need to be aware of the strategies in place to protect this information from the public domain. The NMC Code sets out guidelines for the nurse to ensure that information is protected. It requires the nurse to not discuss any information about the patient outside of the clinical setting, to not discuss patient’s cases in public places where it can be overheard and to not leave records unattended where they could be read by unauthorised people (ibid). These also encompass the use of internet social networking sites among others; I think that a â€Å"public place† also includes an area of the internet which can be read by people not connected with the healthcare setting. These three principles will help to ensure that any information the nurse gathers will not inadvertently travel to sources outside of the care of the patient. The Caldecott Report was a report carried out by the Department of Health about the use of patient information in the NHS with regards to confidentiality, especially in light of the increasing use of information technology. The report identified strategies that should be in place in healthcare settings to protect information (DoH, 1997). These included using the NHS number as an identifier instead of the patient’s name, using the least amount of identifiable information, educating healthcare professionals on the responsibility of holding such information, etc. A lot of the recommendations in the report are about ensuring the patient’s identification is kept separate from the details about their healthcare or keeping identifiable information to a minimum in case of inadvertent transfer. The protection of the patient’s privacy is paramount and the report sets out to help healthcare professionals ensure they maintain this privacy. Healthcare professionals have a duty to record data relevant to the patient for various reasons such as justifying decisions made, helping keep continuity of care consistent, to document delivery of care, etc. These records however need to be handled with exceptional care to ensure that they are not a source of leaking information. For this reason the NMC have strict guidelines as to how the records should be made and kept. The records need to be legible and signed and dated and held in accordance with the NMC guidelines and individual Trust’s instructions (NMC, 2009). There are areas though that confidentiality is considered a lot more important due to the nature of the health problems. My mother worked in sexual health for years and she emphasised the necessity of complete confidentiality in that area due to the â€Å"unseen† aspect of the health problems. It fascinated me as to how serious the implications of breaching a confidentiality could be in these situations, especially with public perceptions of certain sexually transmitted infections. A study done by Richard Ma on sexual health clinic users found that confidentiality within the sexual health clinics was the single most important quality to the user (Ma, 2007). He claims that this is  a consistent finding in previous studies done on sexual health and goes to support the idea that sexual health is an area that requires more attention to confidentiality between users and practitioners. The Department of Health have issued documents with regards to confidentiality and have specifically singled out sexually transmitted infections as needing to be treated with even more care with regards to the identity of the patient (DoH, 2006). There are cases however, when confidentiality needs to be breached, even in the case of sexual health. From my own experience and background in education and youth work, I understand the need to divulge information especially with regards to child abuse. It is the primary reason that confidentiality was not assured with the young people I worked with. From the NMC’s Code, I learn that it is similar within nursing practice. There is a clause under the confidentiality section which instructs nurses and midwives to disclose information when someone may be at the risk of harm, as long as it is in agreement with the law of the land (2008, op cit). Although this instruction can be applied more broadly than I previously used it, as it would include all adults, not just young people. Even broader than the scenario of child abuse however, is the issue of illness affecting judgement and therefore putting people at risk, such as the case of politician Mo Mowlam. Castledine talks about how Mowlam’s brain tumour affected her judgement and personality and how the doctor’s hand were tied as Mowlam refused to divulge that she had such a life threatening and personality changing illness when she entered into the Good Friday peace talks with Northern Ireland (Castledine, 2010). The issue Castledine raises is that thousands of lives could have been at risk if the Good Friday peace talks were not successful and it would not have been sensible to allow someone to be involved who could potentially harm those talks. In this case, the doctor did not divulge but I wonder, as a healthcare professional, how easy it would be to interpret the NMC rules and how thin the line between breaking the code, and therefore the law, and supporting it would be. From reading up on the subject, the boundaries do not seem to be clear and Betty Lynch confirms this in her guidelines to breaching confidentiality (Lynch, 2006). She states that it is not always easy to know when to breach confidentiality and so she directs the reader to five questions that would aid in whether breaching the confidentiality would also be breaking the law. These questions include whether to gain consent, the reasons behind disclosing, what is to be disclosed, who will be receiving the information and are they duty bound to keep it confidential, and finally whether disclosing the confidential information is a proportionate response to protect the patient or others. Lynch is dealing mainly with the sharing of information between agencies, but the guidelines can be used in dealing with situations as a healthcare professional to ensure that when confidentiality is breached, it is being breached legally and in line with the NMC Code. In some situations however, the consent of the patient cannot be given. Such cases are usually to do with a consideration of public safety and taking into account the broader ramifications of the information and whether it concerns more than just the patient (2012, op cit). There are also laws dictating what has to be disclosed and it is usually with regards to the Road Traffic Act, terrorism and public health issues. As a healthcare professional, I have no choice whether I disclose a confidentiality related to such issues but there are some cases where it is not so clear. Take the controversy caused by Margaret Haywood, the nurse who tried to report failing standards through the proper channels and in the end resorted to filming the practices of fellow healthcare professionals in a care home. The NMC struck her off the register for breaching patient confidentiality (Nursing Times, 2009) because they claimed that she had failed to get the consent of the patients that she was filming. However, there was support for Haywood’s actions as it highlighted the substandard care of the elderly. Higginson (2009) writes that exposing the mistreatment of the elderly is more important than being confidential. It is support like this and others that has helped to reinstate Haywood into nursing. However it does concern me that should I be working in a place where patients were being harmed or neglected I would be unable to help because of the fear of breaching confidentiality and the backlash against me. Confidentiality is a delicate subject and seems incredibly difficult to manoeuvre around to ensure that, as a healthcare professional, I do not unnecessarily breach a confidence and yet, I also divulge the correct information to the correct people. However, I can fully understand the need of the laws and NMC to insist upon almost absolute confidence. Reading about the case of â€Å"Janet†, the nurse who divulged information about a patient A in an unsatisfactory manner to the family and made unfounded remarks to A’s friends about her condition, I realise how damaging and hurtful breaching a confidence is and could have contributed to the rapid decline of the patient’s health (British Journal of Nursing, 2005). This just emphasises once again, how much power I hold over a healthcare user and how much responsibility comes with that. Moving from an education background into a healthcare future is revealing some similarities and a lot of differences as to how things are done. The issue of confidentiality piqued my interest as it seemed so different in the two settings and yet, I had expected it to be a lot more similar. I think that I laboured under the false assumption that confidentiality was only assured between doctor and patient and in sensitive subjects such as sexual health. I did not expect that confidentiality would be so important for the nurse or healthcare assistant in dealing with simple and routine procedures. I have discovered that confidentiality is of the utmost importance throughout healthcare and is given the strictest guidelines in various healthcare codes of conduct. I have learnt that there are stringent practices to ensure that confidentiality is not breached and that data is completely protected. Looking into the various laws and acts regarding protection of privacy reaffirms its value and importance with healthcare users as well as healthcare authorities. I have never worked in a healthcare setting and so learning the strategies that protect patient confidentiality is an important learning curve for me. I need to ensure that I hold the NMC guidelines foremost in my mind as I work with healthcare users and make certain that I adhere to the rules set out by the hospitals or care homes I am working in. When I first started working in education I had to make a point of familiarising myself with procedures and rules within my place of work and I need to take this forward and continue the same practice in the placements and work places I will find myself in. This means talking to the supervisor or manager with regards to their policies on confidentiality and following those rules alongside the NMC’s Code rules. I also must ensure that I learn to judge when confidentialities must be breached and remember to include the patient as much as possible with the decisions I make regarding this. I intend to look further into this subject and make it one of my highest priorities to get this part of my studies and future work as a nurse right so as to keep faith with healthcare users and provide them with the best healthcare experience I possibly can.

Monday, November 25, 2019

3 Essential Steps to Landing a Seasonal Job

3 Essential Steps to Landing a Seasonal Job 1.  Target the Right EmployersYou can start by targeting large, nationwide retailers- Macy’s, Kohls, Walmart, and shipping companies like UPS or FedEx are expected to hire on thousands of extra hands this year.  But  don’t confine your search to the major retailers. Play to your strengths and apply to specialty groceries, caterers, household shops or nearby stores whose products you know well. Enjoying what you’re selling can partially make up for even the longest double shift! There’s some promising news this year: temp job hourly rates at e-commerce companies (anything that delivers, from Best Buy to Amazon) will likely leap from the $9-$11 2014 average up to $15 or more, which is good news for the underemployed.2. Develop Your Technical SkillsAs you start filling out applications and creating a perfect retail resume, brush up on your technical skills- bracing for massive holiday crowds, many companies equip retail employees with iPads or other rem ote tech support devices to meet the needs of customers who mix their in-person and online shopping habits. You don’t want to seem confused if they put a tablet in your hand instead of the usual POS software. Emphasize any customer service experience, as well as organizational or administrative background you’ve had.3. Practice for Your InterviewIf you make it through the initial application process, be ready to wow in your interview. Read articles on different blogs about various interviewing techniques. Remember, employers prioritize reliability (including punctuality- so be early and be prepared), enthusiasm, and a great working attitude. Be flexible about scheduling, willing to take off-hours and pick up extra shifts, and be the best team player you know how to be. Even if they can’t retain you through the regular season, they’ll remember you next fall and you may luck into a recurring seasonal position.Good luck and happy holiday hiring season!

Friday, November 22, 2019

An overview and history of rape laws in the UK

An overview and history of rape laws in the UK Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Rape in UK courts and law The Rape Crisis Federation (hereinafter RCF) was founded in 1996 as a national co-ordinating body for the rape crisis association in England and Wales. The strategic intentions of the establishment had been to secure a voice for the sixty three self-regulating, locally based rape crisis groups that represented its membership; to lobby and campaign for amendments in legislation on sexual violence and to acquire statutory funding for rape crisis centres. [1] RCF was a powerful and vociferous campaigner for female survivors of sexual violence and for the services that are to present support for such women. It effectively petitioned on a considerable amount of legislative and policy related matters, for example, the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 and most recently the Sexual Offences Act 2003. It was not however triumphant in protecting statutory, central funding for rape crisis services in spite of campaigning to bring England and Wales in lin e with other European countries. It frequently lobbied the Government on ensuring that the rights of women in England and Wales were corresponding to those women elsewhere in Europe but with no advantage. In November 2003, RCF was closed due to a lack of funding. The closure of the establishment was by no means owing to a lack of requirement for such a body. Indeed, there were 5,759 reports of rape in 1996 and by 2003 there were reports of over 9,000. [2] The conviction rate for rape is approximately 5.8%; revealing the worst intensity in the whole of Europe. [3] Nevertheless, RCF has presented the Government, the Police, the CPS and several other associations with knowledge on the subject of sexual violence. It has performed on a global level, working with groups, both in Europe and internationally, to force the concern of sexual violence securely onto the political and public agenda. [4] The concerns relating to sexual violence are remaining and the rape crisis movement will, i t is submitted, deeply miss the dexterity of a national organization. For this reason, the support of victims of rape has been severely tarnished by the Federation’s closure. The lack of support of rape victims is emphasised by the special rules of evidence and procedure for rape trials. These provisions have caused considerable controversy and reflect further the lack of support offered to victims of rape. The ensuing discussion shows that this lack of support is symbolic in the current law of rape. Until 1994, a mandatory corroboration declaration had to be specified at a rape trial. It intended that the judges constantly had to advise the jury that it was injudicious to convict on the woman’s evidence alone. That did not indicate that there could be no conviction without evidence corroborating what the woman alleged, although evidently juries may place great significance on what the judge had to disclose, and the caution could have presented uncertainties where non e would have existed without it. The caution seemed to mean that women were liars, and prone to claim rape where none had taken place. In 1991 the Law Commission suggested that the corroboration decree should be eliminated and the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice in 1993 agreed. Owing to these recommendations, and prevalent disapproval of the caution, ss. 32 and 33 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 eradicated the mandatory corroboration declaration. On the other hand, this does not straightforwardly resolve the predicament. Even though it is not at present mandatory to issue the caution, judges may still supply it where they deem it to be crucial and, given the assertions which some of our judges have declared on rape, it is dubious whether this responsibility is reliable at their discretion. [5]

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Methods of Motivations (for minimum wage employees), Term Paper - 1

Methods of Motivations (for minimum wage employees), - Term Paper Example One of the most effect methods of motivation is use fair salaries and wages. The employees will always be motivated when they are paid high wages and salaries. The employer can increase the morale of the employees by paying them more than the other firms are paying their employees. The advantage of this method is that it very effective in increasing the morale of the employees. The disadvantage is that it increases the cost of production for the firm. The other monetary incentive is the pay of bonus. The employees will be motivated if the employers give bonus for the work done. In most cases, the higher the quality of work did the higher the bonus. Employees will always work hard to get bigger bonuses. The advantage is that the firm that gives bonus workers will always work extra hard to earn bonus. The other monetary incentive that is very effective is the overtime payment. Overtime payment is the payment made for workers who work extra hours besides the normal working hours. Monetary incentives will increase the morale of the workers. The advantage of this method is that workers will work extra hard to earn overtime payment. The disadvantage is that it increases the cost of production for the firm. Some of the benefits that firms can give to motivate its workers are the retirement plan-pension plan. Each worker would want to have this plan to get their money after they retire. Many employees will be motivated to works hard because the company offers those benefits like pension plan benefits. Allowances are very effective in motivation of employees. Firms give different allowances depending on the financial status of the firm. Some of the allowances include the medical allowances. Many employees will be motivated to works hard because the company offers those allowances like medical allowances. The medical allowance is the money that the firm is willing to pay for the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Collapse of Communism in Poland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Collapse of Communism in Poland - Essay Example During the 60’s the economic decline was due to the country’s extravagance on the expenditure for heavy industry, armaments and its little concern for the consumer production. Although the lands were returned to the peasants, the farms were too small for agriculture production. The autocracy of Gomulka was all too helpful to worsen the economic crises. What resulted was a presence of a communist government strong in its regime, yet too weak in generating any reform. Price rise of the consumer goods and wage decline of the workers especially in the 1970’s would always invite wide spread demonstrations across streets of all polish towns almost always resulting into bloodshed due to the staunch retaliation of the communist soldiers. The Gierek era between 1970 and 1980 was only a replication of the Gomulka’s policies with promises of reforms never fulfilled. The recession of the mid-70’s increased oil prices, uplifted the prices of imported goods and declined the demand of Polish goods. Poland’s foreign debt showed no respite. What resulted was a natural price-hike that invited wide spread national demonstration with special prominence in Dlock and Radom. When a polish national, Karol Wojtyła became the pope, John Paul IInd, and subsequently visited Poland, it only added to the spirit of nationhood and a desire to overthrow the communist regime in Poland. The years of 1980’s too saw the presence of non-stop labor strikes. The August of the year 1980, however is attributed as one of the greatest contributors of what was to be ultimately the abolition of communism. An independent trade union called ‘Solidarity’ was formed, led by Lech Walesa, primarily to amend the economic difficulties. But it became a reason to uphold the anti-communist social movement. Staggering numbers of people became affiliated to the union including people form Catholic Church, the anti-communist leftists and the intellects. Solidarity adopted

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Health Care Museum Essay Example for Free

Health Care Museum Essay HEALTH CARE MUSEUM The Health Care Museum exhibit is to acknowledgment the five most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States. Over the years weve seen a rapid growth in the Health Care industry thats both good and bad. After my research there are several areas I would like to portray for my exhibit debut. The five most significant developments are The Insured, the Underinsured, the Uninsured, Medications, Prevention, Technology and Health Care Delivery. EXHIBIT A: The Insured, the Underinsured, the Uninsured Insurance plays a huge part of healthcare development over the years. We have laws in place to help patients who are insured, underinsured and uninsured to received treatments. There a lot of people who struggle to keep up with the increasing costs of health care insurance, but there are plan thats affordable to cover their medical expenses. The impact insurance has in United States is really big because the number of people without health care has increased. The establishing future in Health Care insurance remains uncertain because many people today still dont have health insurance. I do believe that the health care reform will help in that case, but it may take some time to see the results. EXHIBIT B: Medications Medications play a very big important role into the development of the Health Care Industry. With the advancement of medication we have seen a momentous decrease in the number of people that were hospitalized or caused death because they did not acquired the proper medication. Science is the main reason why we are so ahead in medicine, advances in medical science help protect most diseases from spreading. Medicines can cure, preclude, or even stop an outbreak or a virus. The most notable development of medicine is that it comes in many different shapes and size. One can take medicine in a use of a pill, liquid such as syrup and exercise is a form of medication. . EXHIBIT C: Prevention Prevention has to be the most important development thus far because if we dont have any control over transferrable diseases from spreading Ebola, then we all are at risk of an epidemic of disease thats infectious. Around the world we have community associates and health care providers thats willing to educate the public about the importance and the consequences of a transmittable disease. We all have been working together to prevent the spreading of dangerous disease. Some of the simple task we can do to prevent spreading disease is as simple as washing your hands constantly. EXHIBIT D: Technology If it wasnt for technology the United State Health Care System wouldnt be as great as it is today. Technology has a great impact in all of the different health fields in the industry. Since technology is improving constantly the possibilities are endless as to what we can use it for. The most important part in regards to technology in Health Care is the ability to obtain very important medical information. Many different departments in the healthcare field are using technology a lot of different ways. The most common use is to reach out to the broader populations, connect with patients virtually, and most importantly public awareness. EXHIBIT E: Health Care Delivery Reforming our health care delivery system to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting. They should keep people healthy and prevent common, avoidable complications of illnesses to the greatest extent possible. Thoughtfully constructed reforms would support greater access to health-improving care in contrast to the current system, which encourages more tests, procedures, and treatments that are at best unnecessary and at worst harmful. In conclusion, as we all know the health care industry has grown drastically over the years. The five most significant developments is not only important factors in the health care field, but theyre also important in todays society. For example, The Insured, the Underinsured, the Uninsured plays a huge part in todays world because of the sky rocking health cost and the fact that not everyone can afford it. Medications are also very important since we all want to feel better when we are ill. References Access to Health Care Coalition (2001). Closing the gap: Improving access to health care in Michigan. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Retrieved October 13, 2014 from American Hospital Association (1997). Hospital statistics: A comprehensive summary of U. S. hospitals. Chicago, IL: Author. Institute for the Future (2000). Health and health care 2010: The forecast, the challenge. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Health Statistics. Health U.S. 2010: With Special features on death and dying. Hyattsville MD:CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2014

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Bachelor: Expectations For Love Essay -- reality TV, culture

What does the show, "The Bachelor", say about our expectations for love in our culture? The search for love is a dilemma most people are faced with at some point. Many different reality shows have been released over the years focusing on relationships. However the television show, The Bachelor, takes reality T.V. dating to the next level. Different from most dating reality T.V. shows, the participants on The Bachelor are looking for much more than just a relationship; the end goal is a proposal. The show revolves around a single bachelor who is essentially dating an entire group of woman, typically starting the first episode with around 25. As the show advances the bachelor eliminates women by not offering them a rose during the ceremony. All of the women that do receive a rose are invited to stay another week at the house while continuing to go on dates with the same man. Early in the season, the bachelor goes on large group dates with all of women at once but as the season progresses; the remaining women are also invited on one-on-one dates. The problem with this sh ow is that it depicts love in an illogical way. Because she is the last woman, the bachelor’s logic dictates that she must be the right woman for him. The women and the bachelor of the show are whisked away to romantic and tropical areas to live while dating each other. Aside from the fact that the man these women are dating also is dating 24 other women, the participants in this show are completely removed from actual reality. There is no strain or issues that they have to work through like the real world with honest relationships. In this paper I will explain the issues with The Bachelor and what affects it has on our culture. My research question is: What does... ... together. Just because a person feels passionate love does not mean it leads to companionate love. The Bachelor leads our culture to believe that simply by longing to be with someone means you are in love. If our culture continues to attempt to keep up with the definition of love according to The Bachelor then real love, companionate love, might fade out all together. Works Cited Mickel, E., & Hall, C. (2008). Choosing to Love: The Essentials of Loving (Presents and Problems). International journal of reality therapy, 27(2), 30-34. Kito, M. (2005). Self-Disclosure In Romantic Relationships And Friendships Among American And Japanese College Students. The Journal of Social Psychology, 145(2), 127-140. Sassler, S, F Addo, and D Lichter. "The Tempo of Sexual Activity and Later Relationship Quality." Journal of Marriage & Family 74.4 (2012): 708-725.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Death Penalty Research Paper Essay

I. Introduction The death penalty in the United States is a constant source of controversy. Efforts to abolish capital punishment in America date back to over 100 years and continue to expand in present-day. In addition, all 50 states vary in their retention and application of the death penalty. Currently, the death penalty is legal in 32 states, the distribution of the actual executions however, is quite wide. The five states with the highest number of executions performed account for approximately 65% of the total executions in the country since the US Supreme Court re-affirmed and reinstated the death penalty in 1976. The state of Texas alone is responsible for almost 37% of the country’s executions. In contrast, 14 states have executed five or fewer prisoners since 1976. II. History Since the earliest societies, capital punishment has been used as a method of crime deterrence. Historical archives show that the even the most primitives tribes utilized methods of punishing culprits that often included taking their lives in order to pay for the crimes they committed. Murder most often warranted this ultimate form of punishment. As tribal societies formed social classes and man-kind developed its own self-governed republics, capital punishment became a usual response to a variety of crimes, such as sexual assault, military offenses and treason. Written rules were created to alert the people of the penalties that could face them should they participate in any wrongdoing. One of the earliest written documents observed that supported the death penalty was the Code of Hammurabi, written on stone tablets around 1760 BC. The code contained approximately 282 laws that were proposed by the Babylonian King Hammurabi and included the theory of an â€Å"eye for an eye.† Several other ancient documents were also supportive of the death penalty; these included the Christian Old Testament, the Jewish Torah, and the writing of Athenian legislator Draco, who was a proponent of capital punishment for a large number of offenses in Ancient Greece. The earliest forms of the death penalty were intended to be painful, slow and torturous. Some ancient cultures employed methods of crucifixion, stoning, and being burned at the stake among others. Later civilizations found these methods to be cruel, unusual forms of punishment and thus opted for more humane practices. During the 18th and 19th centuries, legislators found less painful and faster  approaches to execution, which included beheading by the guillotine and hanging. These practices were typically large public spectacles and were not any less bloody or violent but death was almost always instantaneous, so they were perceived as being more compassionate. III. In the United States Capital Punishment in the United States dates back to the founding of the original colonies, and was used for a variety of crimes such as burglary, treason, counterfeiting and murder. During the American Revolution, legislators in the United States began to examine and revise policies behind the death penalty. In 1971, the constitution was amended to prohibit any form of punishment deemed â€Å"cruel and unusual.† Although the amendment did not intend to ban capital punishment, it did start a movement towards performing more human executions. Currently, 32 states in the US allow the death penalty, although the greatest number of death row inmates and actual executions occur in only a few of those. California is the state with the largest death row population of 625 inmates, but they do not perform executions frequently. In fact, in the last three years, only two people have been put to death. In contrast is Texas, while also having a large number of offenders on death row (453 ), Texas follows through with executions, executing more people each year than any other state. Their executions constitute 46% of all executions performed in the year 2002. IV. Eligibility Eligibility for the death penalty and determining what criteria qualifies a crime for the death penalty varies by jurisdictions. No† automatic† sentence exists for any crime. The death penalty is assigned to crimes that contain aggravating factors, and are â€Å"monstrous or horrific† in nature. Examples of aggravating factors include intentional, premeditated murder, and murder that results from the commission of certain violent felonies such as robbery, rape, kidnapping, burglary and arson, even if the death results as an accident. These vary by state and in some the list of aggravating factors is lengthy and not well defined which can mean a lot of crimes can potentially be classified as â€Å"capital.† Prosecutors of the jurisdiction in which the crime has occurred make the decision of whether to seek the death penalty in each case. Critics allege that prosecutors are influenced to  consider factors when seeking the death penalty that should not be rel evant, such as the race of the victim and offender, for example. Community and public outrage as well as media attention can also impact the process of seeking the death penalty. (Marcus, 2007) V. Trials Trials for death penalty cases differ from other trials in that they are more intensive, expensive and much more complicated, after all, the outcome could end or spare someone’s life. They attract wide-spread and sometimes sensational media attention that can become distracting and unfavorable for the defendant as well as the other parties involved in the case. Political and public pressure is placed on the judge and prosecutors to secure a conviction and death sentence. Defense lawyers too face a great deal of pressure to save their client’s lives. Another aspect of capital case trials that sets them apart from regular cases is the selection of the jury. Potential jurors in capital cases must undergo a somewhat extensive process before being qualified to participate. The most important criteria they must meet however revolve around the individuals personal views on the death penalty. Qualified jurors must be in support of capital punishment and willing to impose it, th ose that cannot abide by that requirement are excused from jury service. Capital trials are separated into two sections, in the first only evidence and defenses are heard, this is referred to as the guilt phase. At the close of the guilt phase while the jury does not yet deliberate about a sentence, they do however decide to convict or acquit the defendant. Should the defendant be convicted, the penalty phase of the trial begins, during this phase the jury hears arguments and evidence concerning sentencing options. At this time, prosecutors will argue for a death sentence and must present aggravating factors associated with the crime. They will also attempt to stir the jury away from feelings of sympathy for the defendant, by stating past criminal charges or lack of remorse about the crime. In contrast, defense lawyers will argue against the death penalty, trying to persuade the jury to sentence their clients to life imprisonment instead. To do this, defense attorneys introduce mitigating factors such as the defendant’s age, absence of a criminal record, relationships with family members, and  character. In some cases, they may use evidence that could facilitate understanding of why the defendant committed the crime, some examples being mental illness, abuse or neglect as a child, etc. Sometimes family and friends of the defendant can testify for them, this is also permitted for families of the victim, which often take this time to speak about their loss and state their preference for a life or death sentence. After all evidence has been presented and following any testimonies, the jury is excused to deliberate once more, this time deciding on a sentence. VI. Appeals The idea of â€Å"swift justice† is thought to be lost in capital punishment cases. Usually, it takes several years from the time a person is convicted of a crime to the actual execution. One of the aspects of death penalty cases that make them so extensive is the appeals process. Generally, following conviction, a defendant has the right to an automatic or â€Å"direct† appeal to the state appellate court. Courts are required by law to look at these cases. Evidence presented in a direct appeal is very limited, typically dealing with whether objections were sustained or overruled correctly. Within a year of the direct appeal, death row inmates must file again in order to secure their rights, failure to do so would mean the defendant has chosen to waive their appeals. Incompetency on the part of an attorney or lack of one has resulted in many death row defendants missing appeal deadlines, while some may not even be aware of this procedural right. There is no second oppor tunity to file for an appeal once the deadline has been missed, regardless of the circumstances. The next step in the appeals process is referred to as state post-conviction. The defendant will use this appeal to present any state constitutional claims and any evidence to challenge their conviction. Some of the more prevalent claims made in post-conviction appeals include improper and unprofessional conduct on behalf of the police or prosecution, race discrimination, mishandling or inconsideration of pertinent evidence and inadequate representation on behalf of the defense attorney. Evidence that has been newly discovered or was not available at the time of trial is admissible during this phase of the appeals process. Post-conviction relief is not easy to obtain, an in-depth investigation of the case and all  evidence from the trial must be conducted by the defense lawyers. This can be expensive, time consuming and for the many inexperienced and poorly-resourced lawyers that represent these types of inmates, it becomes a challenging task. The inability of the defense counsel to provide sufficient mitigating factors and thoroughly investigate a case is the most prevailing failure observed in capital punishment cases. While it is true that many defendants receive inadequate representation, it is very difficult to obtain relief based on ineffective legal assistance. If the court determines that the defendant would have been convicted and sentenced to death regardless of poor legal representation, then there is no entitlement to relief. Should a death row inmate be denied relief in post-state conviction, he can proceed with a final appeal which is now handled by Federal courts, this is referred to as federal habeas. When a defendant has exhausted all appeals, the last option is to ask for clemency from the governor or President, depending on if it is a state or federal death penalty case. Clemency has been known to only be granted in extraordinary cases and is becoming more and more uncommon. (capitalpunishmentincontext.o rg) VII. Methods 1. Lethal Injection Today, all of the states that have the death penalty employ the lethal-injection. Oklahoma became the first state to adopt this method of execution in 1977, with the first person being executed by lethal injection being Charles Brooks 5 years later in 1977. ( In preparation, the inmate to be executed is permitted a shower, a change of clothing and a final meal of their choice. At the time of the execution, the prisoner is taken to the execution room and where two IV tubes are inserted into his arms, following, a harmless saline solution is started immediately. Then, when the prison warden gives signal, a curtain is raised exposing the inmate to witnesses in an adjoining room. At this time the prison is allowed his final statement. At the conclusion of the inmate’s last words, the execution begins with the drugs being administered as follows: Sodium thiopental: This drug, also known as Pentathol is a barbiturate used as a surgical anesthetic. In surgery, a dose of up to 150mg is used. In execution, up to 5,000 mg are used. This is a lethal dose. From this point on if the prisoner is still alive, he should feel nothing. Pancuronium bromide: Also known as Pavulon, this is a muscle relaxant given in a strong  enough dose to paralyse the diaphragm and lungs. This drug takes effect in 1-3 minutes. A normal medical dose is 40 – 100mcg per kilogram; the dose delivered in an execution is up to 100mg. Potassium chloride: This is a toxic agent which induces cardiac arrest. Not all states use this as the first two drugs are sufficient to bring about death. Saline solution is used to flush the IV between each dose. A minute or two after the final dose is administered, a doctor declares the prisoner dead. The body is then sent to the coroner for verification, an autopsy is sometimes performed. Finally, the body is released to family for burial. 2. Electric Chair The electric chair was an invention by Harold P. Brown who was an employee of Thomas Edison, the sole purpose was to investigate the uses of electricity in executions. The chair was first adopted in 1889 and the first execution took place in 1890 in New York. In execution by electric chair, the prisoner is strapped to the chair with metal straps and a wet sponge is placed in his head to aid conductivity. Electrodes are placed on the head and legs to create a closed circuit. Depending on the physical state of the prisoner, two currents of varying level and duration are applied. This is generally 2,000 volts for 15 seconds for the first current to cause unconsciousness and to stop the heart. The second current is usually lowered to 8 amps. The current will normally cause severe damage to internal organs and the body can heat up to 138  °F While unconsciousness should occur within the first second or two, there have been occasions where it has taken much longer, leading people to highly oppose this method of execution. Clean up post-execution is unpleasant, skin has been found melted on the electrodes and the person can lose control of bodily functions, burning of the skin occurs often. 3. Firing Squad Many consider the firing squad to be the most honorable method of execution. The carrying out of firing squad executions can vary, but generally the inmate is blindfolded and restrained. A group of men then fire a single  bullet into the heart of the condemned. In some cases, one of the shooters is given a blank in order to feel less guilt afterwards. However, none of the shooters know who holds the blank, or if any of them do. Currently in the US, only two states are permitted performing of executions using this method: Idaho and Oklahoma. 4. Gas Chamber The gas chamber as a method of execution has been used in a considerable number of cases. It was first made popular from its use in German prison camps during World War II where it was used to execute millions in one of the worst genocide cases of the 20th century. Although five states in the US still allow its use, death row inmates in all of those states are given the option to choose the lethal injection instead. In gas chamber executions, the executioner prepares the chamber by placing potassium cyanide pellets into a small compartment beneath the execution chair. The prisoner is then brought in and secured to the chair. The chamber is sealed and the executioner pours a quantity of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) through a tube which leads to a holding compartment in the chair. The curtains are drawn back for witnesses to see the execution and the prisoner is asked to make his last statement. After the last statement, a level is thrown by the executioner and the acid mixes with the cyanide pellets generating lethal hydrogen cyanide (HCN) gas. The prisoners will generally have been told to take deep breaths in order to speed up unconsciousness, but in most cases they hold their breath. Death from hydrogen cyanide is painful and unpleasant. (; ( VIII. Deterrence In American society, deterrence has always served as a justification for support of the death penalty. Numerous studies conducted have failed to indicate a conclusive deterrence effect. For ex, if the death penalty was truly a crime deterrent, then the states that do not have the death penalty would be expected to have higher murder rates. However, it is just the opposite, states that do not employ the death penalty show consistently lower murder rates. In addition, the United States significantly higher murder rates than European countries who do not allow the death penalty. (Fagan) IX. Conclusion Overpowering evidence leads to the conclusion that the death penalty system in the United States is broken and undeniably flawed. Incompetency in representation, racial prejudice, inadequate funding and human mistake all contribute to a dark reality of the death penalty that is wrongful convictions and inequity. In a system teeming with error, the risk of executing the innocent is authentic. Reform in our death penalty process and procedures is necessary and urgent. It is our provocation to work towards a systematic change that will guarantee fairness and equal access to justice, due process for all persons facing the death penalty. References 1. 2. 3. Paul Marcus, 2007. William & Mary Law School. Capital Punishment in the United States, and Beyond. 4. 5. Jeffrey A. Fagan. Columbia Law School. Capital Punishment: Deterrence Effects and Capital Costs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Intro to Business Essay

FRANCHISE Case Study Questions: 1) Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of opening a franchise. (6 marks) The benefits of opening a franchise is that the franchisor would provide support, assistance and training; they would have a recognized name and products and; opening the franchise would be a reduced risk to the franchisee. The drawbacks of opening a franchise is that there would be restrictions on operations as the franchisee would have to follow the franchisor’s rules and regulations; must pay franchise fees and the percentage of sales to the franchisor and; there would be a loss of management control, prices, wages or even innovation. 2) Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of running this franchise with a partner rather than doing it on your own. The benefits/advantages of running this franchise with a partner would be; It would be fairly easy to start the partnership with an agreement between two people; It would be easier to raise more capital than a sole proprietorship; We would have greater skills and expertise with two of us as partners and; flexibility to support and help each other. The drawbacks/disadvantages of running this franchise with a partner would be; there could be conflicts or disagreements with a partner; we would be sharing the profits and; there could be difficulty in leaving or ending the partnership. 3) List 6 key characteristics that you and your partner will have to display in order to be successful in this entrepreneur endeavor. The key characteristics that my partner and I would have to display to be successful in our entrepreneur endeavor would be, to be: Ambitious, committed, self-confident, energetic, passionate, creative, passionate, determined and risk takers. 4) List 6 stakeholders and discuss how they are impacted by your business. 1.Employees – my business would create jobs Customers – my business would be a convenience of another franchise available Suppliers – my business would give suppliers more business Government – my business would pay taxes (business and employee, etc) to help the economy Local Community – to create a better local economy of having a business Environment – to be environmentally responsible by using reduce, reuse and recycle FRANCHISE Case Study 1: Intro to Business 5) Using your knowledge of demand and supply theory. Draw a market for Dominos Pizza with demand (BLUE Line) and supply (RED Line) equilibrium assuming the average price customer pays for a Domino’s pizza is $9 and sells an average 500 units a week. (2 marks) Dominos Pizza – Supply and Demand in One (1) Week UNITS The pizza market is highly competitive and competitors prices impact and demand. On your diagram, draw the shift in demand that will result from new low price $5 hot and ready pizza offer by its competitor Little Caesar’s. Discuss the impact on Domino’s (in terms of its price and profits) . (2 marks) Due to the low price of the competition (Little Caesars) means Dominos pizza’s Demand Curve will DECREASE (GREEN Line) which means the profits will decrease along with the demand for Domino’s higher priced pizza. 6) As a local franchise, using your knowledge of the promotional mix, describe 4 tactics/strategies from the promotional mix that you could use to promote your local store. Be sure to explain how it will increase sales. (4 marks) 1. Personal Selling – to use a sales person to assist customers in making a purchase 2. Advertising – using different media channels to build awareness of the product 3. Public Relations – to create a good image of the company & product through publicity and sponsorship 4. Sales Promotion – to stimulate sales through coupons, discounts, contests & special offers 7) Make 2 recommendations to Domino’s Pizza Corporate on how the marketing mix could be changed in order to meet customer needs and continue to grow the company. (4 marks) The Marketing Mix is a blend of product offering, pricing, promotional methods and distribution system that brings a specific group of consumers superior value. My two recommendations to Dominos Pizza Corporate would be concerning the ‘Product’ to make smaller personal sized pizzas and my second recommendation would concern ‘Pricing’ to have a special introductory low price to attract customers, to the new personal sized pizza. My recommendations would meet the more ‘healthy = smaller sized portions’ of food to the healthy minded customer – and this would help with the growth of the company.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Critical Reflection essayEssay Writing Service

Critical Reflection essayEssay Writing Service Critical Reflection essay Critical Reflection essayBased on the course readings, class discussions, and my own experiences I can discuss my understanding of curriculum. I can define curriculum as a well-developed plan of action, which provides the proper strategies to achieve the established goals. The effectiveness of curriculum depends on individual approaches to teaching and learning, managerial skills and behavioral patterns. Curriculum should be planned based on the established standards. I believe that it is necessary to develop multicultural curriculum that requires the application of the proper skills and abilities to â€Å"teach through culturally knowledge bases† (Sleeter, 2005, p. 44). Besides, curriculum deals with the experiences of learners. The major purposes of curriculum include: developing effective ideas to engage students in meaningful ways; following the established learning standards adopted by professional organizations; providing support to student-centered instruction; providin g flexible delivery of educational programs (Sleeter, 2005; Tomlinson McTighe, 2006).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, my own identity and experience influence my understanding of curriculum. I realize that curriculum design depends on the construction of knowledge and the effectiveness of planning. My own identity and personal experience reflect the concepts I will teach. Planning and implementing curriculum can be affected by the way we identify problems and issues faced by students and teachers. To understand curriculum in a proper way, it is necessary to have evaluation skills that will allow reporting the results, making judgments about the proposed programs and assessing the effectiveness of procedures.Moreover, my understanding of students’ needs influences my thinking. I believe that the attitudes and skills of a teacher play an important role in successful planning and implementation of curriculum. According to Tomlinson McTighe (2006), the essence of a teacher’s job is â€Å"making sure that the curriculum serves as a catalyst for powerful learning for students who, with our guidance and support, become skilled in and committed to the process of learning† (p. 39). I should be aware of students’ problems and needs to develop effective teaching and professional support. Only in this case students will be able to cope with any problems faced in the learning environment. It is necessary to have an understanding of students’ motives in order to provide high quality of instruction.In general, there are three key points of course learning. First, it is necessary to establish clarity regarding the use of curriculum. Special attention should be paid to the knowledge and skills that help students to succeed in learning process. Second, it is very important to accept responsibility for students’ success in learning. I believe that any teacher should have the ability to assess his/her role in ac ademic success of students.   Besides, it is essential to a teacher to assess the relationship between course learning goals and teaching practice goals. Third, a teacher should build awareness of the most suitable teaching strategies that will help to facilitate the process of learning.  Finally, the above mentioned aspects influence the way I am thinking about my curriculum work. I argue that curriculum helps to develop and effectively use the proper methods of teaching to ensure positive academic outcomes of students. A teacher should be ready to provide support to students involved in learning process through well-organized curriculum. In addition, I believe that curriculum helps to address students’ needs and interests and motivate both teachers and students to work hard.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Macroeconomics - Essay Example US$1000 per month. Zan gained the required documents and was all set to leave for UAE in a month when his seniors’ opinion on going to UAE for job changed. That was December, 2008 and the global financial crisis had almost just started. His seniors told tragic tales. Many of them had themselves come back to Pakistan. Zan heard from his seniors that the construction companies in UAE were downsizing. Many employees were being fired without prior notification; companies were not following the legal procedure to downsize. The pressure on the regulatory authorities was so tremendous that the fired employees were not getting healthy response from them. The employees who were fortunate enough to survive were to take much greater load than before. As the companies had downsized, the survivors had also been assigned the responsibilities of the fired employees. To make it worse, they had their salaries reduced by a substantial percentage rather than getting them increased in compensation for more work. T he employers obliged them to work at lower salaries; else, they had the option to resign. Zan was very disappointed. He had spent months preparing for going to UAE but all had gone in vain. He decided to continue his job in Pakistan. He had thought before of leaving his company as it had been paying him very less, but now, that the rate of unemployment had gone very high because of the global financial crisis, leaving the company seemed a bad idea. One thing Zan knew for sure was that he needed to continue professional development. Pursing further studies seemed like a good way to achieve that. Therefore, he got admission in Masters course of Construction Management at a local engineering university in Pakistan. A major motivation behind getting admission in this course was to secure a scholarship for higher studies abroad. Since Pakistan is a developing country, where the opportunities of development

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Multicultural Research Project education Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multicultural Project education - Research Paper Example Many researchers explains that cultural diversity at workplaces is not very good for the faster growth as it tends to increase intercultural conflicts among the diverse personnel (Martin) . When culturally diverse individuals are put together to perform a given task, the difference in norms, perception of things culture, religion, opinions and other variables may hinder the development of unity. This problem does not just stop at there, difference in language brings a communication barrier. However, this difference in culture brings in a difference in how people see things. Different cultures have different ways of thinking and thus can analyze a matter at hand from different angles (Martin). This variation in experiences is beneficial to the organization as it provide a diverse base of knowledge to the organization. Secondly, as the business expands, the temptation to go across the border increases with availability of market. The diversity will help to overcome the language barrier. This gives the company an upper hand in capturing the available market (Martin). Going by these arguments, it is quite clear that the reasoning surrounds the overall effects on the organization performance resulting from the effect of diversity. It is for this reason that this research will try to investigate a fresh the demographic characteristics that contributes positively to the success of the organization and which ones are negative. I did a quick survey of five organizations with culturally diverse workforce and five others with relatively less diverse labor force. The organizations selected were from different countries but are in the same industry. Out of the five less diverse organizations, three admitted that they are experiencing problem in expansion to other countries because of their state and were considering diversity while one had already initiated the process of diversifying their labor force, the